
  • 巴里·柯克
    查普曼校长 & Co. 领导学院

Even the most well-intentioned of businesses – those that focus on “relationship” and a “customer-centric” culture – can find themselves repeatedly defaulting to a highly transactional approach to engaging with their customers.

高管们将客户视为达到财务目的的手段, 市场营销人员将其缩减为基于消费的细分市场, 而客户服务团队则将其视为需要克服的挑战.

同样,员工通常被视为资产,纸上的数字. 以与供应链相同的方式对待. Both are expenses to be reduced in tighter times to better the numbers and satisfy shareholders.

这只是外围十大菠菜app在商业世界中被教导的思考方式. In either instance, neither employees nor customers are seen as what they actually are – people.

外围十大菠菜app的首席执行官鲍勃·查普曼,在他的职业生涯中有了一个顿悟: 每个公司的每个员工都是某人的宝贝孩子.

This realization – that employees are people first – started Bob on a journey to dig deep into the toxic impact modern work culture was having on individuals, 家庭和社会作为一个整体. He saw that business leaders – himself included – had been taught to treat employees like resources to be managed in service of a company’s financial success. 他看到工人们在工作场所经历着“缺乏尊严”.

正如你在这个博客或鲍勃的书中读到的许多故事一样, 每个人都很重要:像对待家人一样对待你的人的非凡力量, 鲍勃设想了一个不同世界的可能性, 企业可以更好地管理人们的生活. 他看到了这样一个未来,公司会意识到每个人都很重要.

正如鲍勃经常说的, “Business could be the most powerful force for good in the world if we simply had the skills and the courage to care for the people that we have the privilege of leading.”

查普曼 & Co. 领导学院 was formed by Bob 查普曼 and Barry-Wehmiller to help businesses do the very hard work of transforming themselves into Truly Human organizations. We help companies develop the Truly Human potential within their organization: selecting the right talent, 装备领导者走向成功, 建立团队可以茁壮成长的文化.

外围十大菠菜app正在努力改变商业和企业文化的另一部分. 这是一个经常没有答案的关键问题的答案: 顾客呢??

Most of the work to date in what we would call the Truly Human movement has focused on the experiences of leaders and employees. 但是,这种方法不必局限于这两个群体. 为了真正的人类转变心态和行为,以实现其全部潜力, 领导者需要超越企业内部的团队成员来认识到这一点 客户也在你的照顾范围内.  每个人都是某人的宝贝孩子. 无论是在公司内部还是外部,员工都必须发挥作用.

I’ve spent 20 years as a practitioner of the art of loyalty marketing and customer experience design, trying to help organizations achieve growth by building deep and authentic customer connection. 我见证了许多潮流的来来去去. 但是,对我来说,有一件事是不变的. I’ve always encouraged the businesses that I’ve worked with to embrace one fundamental truth: 顾客首先是人.

And now t在这里’s a newer second truth we need to wrestle with: for at least the last decade, customers have been gaining significantly more power in 他们的关系 with businesses. 这种转变是由越来越多的选择推动的, 扩大全球生产, 以及大量在线数据的可用性,为购买决策提供信息. 因此,品牌忠诚度一直在下降. 客户有更高的期望,必须满足,以赢得他们的信任和忠诚.

The result of this shift has been that a business' financial success now requires delivering on customer expectations in one critical area - your customer experience.  根据Salesforce 2020年的报告.com研究, the majority of US consumers - more than 75% - now rank their experience with a business as equal in importance to the products or services offered.

这不应该让人感到意外. The experience you offer becomes the stories customers tell that help build and reinforce a brand. These moments can create strong memories that influence a customer’s decision to remember the brand, 再次购买, 并向朋友担保该品牌——或者, 相反的做法.

然而,长期以来,企业一直采取纯粹的经济方法来应对这一挑战. They have sought to incentivize customer loyalty solely through financial benefits like discounts or redeemable points. They have taken this approach on the assumption that customers operate from the same wholly rational mindset the business itself aspires to.

This approach will always underperform because the results are unsustainable without constant (and costly) reinforcement.

在现实中,人类在做决定时总是过于理性. 而经济也是一个因素, 人们也会被自己的情绪所引导, 他们的关系, 以及做出特定决策的背景. 情感因素通常比理性因素更能影响外围十大菠菜app的选择.

This is why loyal customers often will pay a premium for a brand, rather than insist on a discount.

For some leaders this may sound contradictory to their understanding of the market (and people!), but it is literally what drives loyalty to some of the market's most iconic brands including Apple, 星巴克和全食超市.

Companies have traditionally approached customers as logic-driven, coin-operated machines. But the new realities of today’s market – and our commitment to Truly Human 领导 – demands that we reframe our thinking. 外围十大菠菜app可以更有效地赢得客户的忠诚和验证他们的信任, 以较少的代价, 如果外围十大菠菜app一开始就把顾客看作是外围十大菠菜app关心的对象. 这种理解应该引导外围十大菠菜app思考:

  • What would change if you truly viewed your customers as within your span of care versus as “someone who buys from us”? 在他们的客户旅程中,“关怀时刻”在哪里? 你可以在哪些方面加大投入?
  • How could you recognize that you value a customer without resorting to a financial incentive? 如何用更人性化的方式和更人性化的语言进行交流?
  • 你是如何创造一个惊喜的, positive moment that the customer might be tempted to capture and share as a unique personal experience? 外围十大菠菜app称之为“自拍价值”." It could be something a customer would be moved to share on social media or later with someone face-to-face about how you took great care of them. 例如, an airline giving a loyal customer a last minute upgrade so they can sit next to their child on a flight.

查普曼 & Co. Barry-Wehmiller——以及任何真正的人类 公司——外围十大菠菜app善待员工,因为这是一件正确的事情. 外围十大菠菜app希望那些在外围十大菠菜app照顾范围内的人感到满足和被重视 因为他们的时间和外围十大菠菜app一起走出去的世界和对待他们 朋友和他们的家人,成为他们社区的好成员.

顾客也是人! They are also within our spans of care and we strive to treat them as they deserve to be treated. 去倾听,去同情他们的挣扎,并有一种服务的心态.

正如鲍勃·查普曼所说, “We believe that an organization that is focused on earning the trust of our customers and that is focused on validating that trust will be a value-creating organization like no other!”

更大的力量在于把你的客户当作人来对待, 不是收入目标,不是收入目标,也不是提高股价的方法. 他们是你生意中不可或缺的一部分,值得你的关心. 

你真的有勇气去关心你的客户还是仅仅关心他们的钱包? 是他们能为你做什么,还是你能为他们做什么?

Thinking about your customers in a Truly Human manner could be the one thing that brings your business true success.


巴里·柯克目前担任查普曼的首席顾问 & Co. 领导学院, w在这里 he supports brands in adopting a Truly Human loyalty approach to achieving growth through deep and authentic customer connection. 您可以下载一份特殊的客户忠诚度手册,其中有更深入的见解 在这里. 你也可以注册参加一个虚拟对话. 与Barry一起建立客户忠诚度 在这里.


布伦特·斯图尔特/ 2022年7月21日
播客:Bob Burg, The Go-Giver
布伦特·斯图尔特/ 2021年2月25日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2022年3月17日

需要帮助在你的组织中应用真正人性化的领导原则? 查普曼 & Co. 领导学院 is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, 通过领导力培训,改善企业文化,培养优秀的领导者, 评估及工作坊.

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